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National Grandparents Day - More Information


National Grandparents Day

Founder Recognized by

West Virginia Highway

Department with Roadsigns.

Joe McQuade applauds as his wife, Marian, the founder of National Grandparents Day, admires the new highway signs, subsequently erected in Oak Hill. Mrs. McQuade was honored on Friday with a reception attended by hundreds of family members, friends and local residents on the 25th anniversary of the West Virgina observance of Grandparents Day.

Fayette Tribune photo/Steve Keenan

A well wisher congratulates Marian McQuade.


For reprints of information contained on the
National Grandparent Website,

send an SASE to:

National Grandparents Day Headquarters
339 East 'J' Street
Chula Vista, CA 91910

Voice Mail: (619) 691-0227

Fax (619) 691-0227


Margaret McQuade Salimi
Lakewood Estates #2
Princeton, WV 24740

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